Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Insulation Inside . . . Concrete Outside

More progress made at the job site today as the installation of the insulation began. It appears that the process is about 75% done; only the high parts of the great room have yet to be reached.
At lunchtime, the insulation truck was parked in the back yard, and the crew was tacking up protective plastic.
We are using foam insulation throughout the new addition. The goo is sprayed between the studs, fluffs up, and then the excess is sliced off in big chunks. (Note the wrapped up chunks, presumably ready for recycling at left in the photo above.)
Here's a view of the northwest corner of the master bedroom.
Sadly, this is not leftover seven-minute frosting . . . it's just insulation, ready for clean-up.
While we toured the interior checking out the insulation progress, Bibbers and Leo had a meeting in the kitchen. Bibbers is a perplexed as I am about why this bathtub continues to sit in the wrong room.

Meanwhile . . . outside . . . 

A crew from T.Hurt arrived to begin the process of paving the driveway and the new south patio. They began by placing stakes and spray painting a white outline for the future driveway. Scott consulted with them about the extent of the grading, slope, etc.
The patio off the great room was graded, too, and the concrete forms are mostly in place.
The stoop stretches the full width of the patio doors and will have an additional step down to the patio. I like the subtle curve added to the front of the stoop, don't you?
One last hurrah for the locust tree.
The crew marked the stump for removal by an outside contractor with cheerful pink spray paint. He'll arrive Thursday morning to grind this stump out of the way of the west edge of the patio.
Stay Tuned for Our Next Adventure!

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