Monday, June 4, 2012

Much Ado About Mulch

I could only think of one gift that Scott could buy me to celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary in style.  Once again, he came through with the perfect present:  five yards of hardwood mulch!  The giant pile of mulch was delivered to noTTafarm on Friday ~ just in time for the weekend.
Five yards of mulch is enough to cover five 10' x 10' plots, 3 inches deep.  That's a lot of mulch!  

I used the grain scoop to haul the mulch, scoop-by-scoop to the cottonwood flowerbed east of the house.  Luckily, the weather on Saturday (June 2) was absolutely perfect for a day of yard work!
These flowerbeds have been annoying me for almost two years.  
Finally, they were clean enough to cover with a nice blanket of mulch.  I am hoping that the weeds (especially the crab grass and poison ivy) will at least slow their growth a bit. 
After the weeding and the mulching...looking much better!

Tile Saw in Use
While I was slaving away in the heat, lifting a ton (at least!) of mulch by hand, Scott and Carl worked on the bathroom tile project.  No, they're still not done, but the bathroom is looking pretty good! 
Polaris Ranger:  The Official Vehicle of noTTafarm
Scott finally made use of one of his Christmas gifts.  He applied the decals Santa gave him to the Ranger.  Now there's no doubt who's driving around the acreage! 
Stay Tuned for Our Next Adventure!

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