Sunday, July 10, 2011

Progress Made on Drywall and Sub-Floor

On Thursday, July 7, the contractor began installing the drywall in the 1920 portion of the house.  The nights leading up to Thursday were long for Scott...he worked until nearly midnight each evening, trying to get everything "just so" which would hopefully make the work easier for the crew.  The work will be mostly complete by the end of this week, with a second, smaller phase of drywall to come when the first floor hallway is ready.
 By Thursday evening, most of the drywall was in place in the big bedroom.  On Friday, the beam overhead was covered, too. 

 Look at my clean chimney in the little bedroom!  I finally got all the plaster down around 10 Wednesday night. 
Scott surveys the pile of waste left in the big bedroom Friday night.

  The first floor ceiling has been installed.  Unfortunately, the contractor wasn't listening well when Scott asked them to not drywall the ceiling in the future kitchen (seen at the right).  They'll have to take it down before they're done.

  Scott decided the top priority of Saturday would be to add the sub-floor needed on the first floor.  In order for the glue to bond well to the original floor, Scott rented a super-sized sander and scuffed the floors.

After the scuffing, Scott and Carl began to measure, cut, cuss, discuss, measure again, cut again, and finally fit each piece of sub-floor.

 First, a nice coating of Liquid Nails.  Then, each piece was secured with regularly-spaced screws.

While the boys toiled away, Marita and I went paint-chip shopping!  We've got a colorful palette to consider.  Is it finally time to think about decorating?  Just a few more weeks and we may actually be able to paint!

After several hours at the office (his real job) on Sunday, Scott and Carl were back at noTTafarm on Sunday to install a few more pieces

Bibbers took all of the activity in stride, as usual!

Stay Tuned for Our Next Adventure!

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