Sunday, September 13, 2015

Have You "Herd" the News?

noTTafarm had some visitors today that could have compromised our status as a "notta." When I pulled onto the driveway after running a couple of errands, I did a double-take  . . . were those really cows in our east pasture?
Yep! Those are cows, all right. 
Nine bovine enjoyed a snack near the Gleaner. I'm not sure how long they were here or exactly where they came from but by suppertime, they had found their way home (or at least off of noTTafarm.)
We Love Visitors!


  1. Angus cattle? Seriously? Polled Herefords are the appropriate cattle for noTTafarm.

    1. You're right, of course, big brother, but remember: these were volunteer cows, not our choice. :)
