Saturday, April 12, 2014

Back to Work and it Feels so Good!

What a great day! Saturday (April 12) was sunny and warm with not much wind. It actually felt like winter was finally gone. We took advantage of the great weather, and found a fun project to finish outside:  moving the telephone poles out of the west yard. Check it out!
The trailer and Ranger were called into duty.
My new tile spade came in handy, loosening the ground around the half-buried poles.
Scott used the chainsaw to cut the poles into 10-ft. (give or take a foot) lengths.
When the first pole was lifted up, I was fascinated by the giant earthworm! 
Sadly, Scott noticed that this is actually a small snake. Even now as I type this several hours later, I have the heebie-jeebies.
 We'll have to haul some dirt over to fill the trenches left behind.
 It took some muscle to wrangle the poles onto the trailer.
 Bibbers lent a helping hand by laying in the shade under the Ranger.
The poles are now at home on the old concrete pad east of the house. 
I'm sure the pine logs will be good neighbors.
Saturday Bonus:  Megan!
Our friend Megan stopped by to pick up some moving boxes. My former co-worker and her hubby are relocating to Lincoln next month.
Stay Tuned for Our Next Adventure!

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